Alpha Version Into Windows Store

We just sent for certification the current version to Microsoft Store. It is now available.

This version include procedural generation of planet, resources extraction, ability to build and use landforces, cities and many new graphical features.

Feel free to test is and request access to the Alpha test program

2018 Universal Contest

By 2018, we sent a registration to the Universal Video Contest.

Here is the pitch we sent that can now be published:

Finally here is the resut of the contest:

Registered for Microsoft Windows Play 2017

We finally success to pass all the steps to participate to the 2017 Microsoft Contest for the PC Game section and got our ticket. The result will be sent by Microsoft on February.

Update: Result if now available, and we did not got selected, BUT a scify RPG game “Stellar Conquest” win the grand price. It is a good news for sci-fy video Games 🙂

So the game is online, free and available for all Windows 10 players (For Seven players need to request access to the Drive)

A new team will start on 2018, mid February, to enhance the product mainly on features and on the Commander part of the game (battle management with and without VR).

More versions to come on 2018 🙂

New version v0.35.3


We just released a new version that currently is under certification by Microsoft to be available on the Windows Store. This process can take a long time, so we continue to deploy new versions during that time.

Some news around the game that now can be tracked differents Web Site:

Now the release notes since last update on regards of users usage:

  • [Add: change scenes for multiple loading screens
  • [Add: display random loading screens
  • [Add: Audio Source into Setting
  • [Add: Blaster Plasma and Missile according unit module with effect and sound
  • [Add: Add a “S” key that allow to test shoot range of units (shoot all units on range) – no damage at all, only visual effect
  • [M: Texture size set to maximum for standalone, 512×512 for Android
  • [M: Modif proces for registration according Windows Store returns – now register on existing account try to login with provided log/pass
  • [C: Time of move for vehicle was wrong – now including all way points
  • [C: Construction of Jumpgate/HQ no longer possible
  • [C: Disable sound, and tutorial off was removed on setting
  • [C: User List screen (dove offer list) was shown on center
  • [C: Top Icon bar show info according share level with other player
  • [C: Config: Select only items on screen resolution not allready added

For download, please refer to this link

New version v0.35.1

A new release candidate version got released on the drive for testers.

This version success to pass the WACK for a deploiement on the Windows Store but require some enhancements before going ahead.

So this release is a major release including:

  • New Graphical chart for Galaxy View, User View, Chat View, almost all view got a new size of font and new icons (somes are remainining and in progress).
  • This version include major correction for the Build System, as until now only few units was possible into a system, now it is corrected and the whole system can be used.
  • This version also include a new visual effect for arms, the first missile is shoot and you can use it for the differents war units ingame.
  • Final but not least, this version allow to build on the imperial system (for the first starting server) and to follow the Tutorial on the main system you start with other (this is disabled on the center of the galaxy)

Link on the drive:

Link for the forum and request access to the version:!forum/prototype_mmorts_users


New version released for testers v0.34.1

For now we are working with the compatibility with Windows Store and the graphist participate with us by reviewing the whole graphic chart of the game.

Today we success a big step by reworking all the interface to allow bigger size of fonts. We also added all the new icons and we changed the “Build” button positions for peoples than never found it (due to screen size).

The version is current available for Windows on the Google Drive

Here is a sample of the new graphical charts for icons (still in progress)

New Galaxy Setup – over half a million systems

A great news for the new universe, the galaxy will contain about 560 000 systems with more than 4 249 000 planets to discover and conquest.

For the begining of the game we will open the center of the galaxy with a small amount of systems and few sectors to allow players to start the game and discover areas.

Somes statistics of what is open into the alpha server:

2 sectors for the first tutorial area with hyperjump gate allowing to connect the center of the galaxy.

The center of the galaxy will contain 1550 sectors open, containing 30 320 systems with 227 592 planetes

Challenge Microsoft 2017 – Recherche Volontaires

PC game  Grand Prize: $50,000 USD

Create a Windows 10 game using whatever technology you prefer—even middleware like Unity, Cocos, and GameMaker—and publish it to the Windows Store. Using Windows 10 features like Cortana or Inking will give your game an advantage with the judges.


Nous envisageons de participer au Challenge Microsoft 2017 en présentant le projet de jeu vidéo en cours de développement.

Ce challenge propose différent thèmes auxquels s’appliquent le projet de jeu vidéo et notamment le thème « PC Game » pour lequel le premier prix est de 50.000$


Le challenge se déroule sur 3 mois (jusqu’à fin décembre 2017) et est ouvert à des équipes jusqu’à 7 personnes.

L’équipe de développement disponible et ayant participé activement au développement est actuellement de 4 personnes.

Il reste donc 3 places à pourvoir sur les technos Unity/C#, C# et C++ pour terminer les fonctionnalités requises pour en faire une beta jouable et tenter de gagner le prix.

Recherche de développeurs volontaires:

Les personnes intéressée, ayant participé ou non jusqu’à présent, et ayant au moins 10h de disponibilité par semaine sur leur temps libre, sont priée de se signifier avec la motivation et un petit CV sur les technos Unity/C# et éventuellement C++/C#.

Bien entendu, si un prix est gagné par le projet dans ce concours, il sera partagé entre les développeurs inscrits.

Actuellement le jeu est disponible en version Alpha, et il manque certaines fonctionnalités pour pouvoir aller jusqu’à la Beta.

Pour informations, concernant la partie « PC Game », les fonctionnalités restant à implémenter (hors debug) coté client :

  • la compatibilité Windows 10 sur 2 librairies, (portabilité Mono .Net 3.5 vers .Net 4.5 Windows 10)
  • l’ajout de Cortana pour prendre des notes (le jury semble aimer J)
  • l’ajout du thread de gestion de bataille et des events  pour Unity (ajout du Fog/Radar) (Librairie C# + Script C# Unity + Rendu Unity)
  • l’ajout des email et notes (Librairie C# + Script C# Unity + Interface Unity)

Coté serveur il y a des choses à faire pour :

  • activer la galaxy globale (config) sur l’infra
  • une cohérence des technologies (config),
  • Ajout d’un déclanchement de gestion des batailles (C++)

Ça c’est au minimum, et si d’autres développeurs s’ajoutent, en « nice to have » on pourrait ajouter d’autres fonctions comme :

  • La génération des planètes et leur accès (Librairies C# + Rendu Unity)
  • L’extraction de ressources sur les planètes (Librairies C# + Script C# Unity + Interface Unity)
  • La gestion des stocks ressources (Librairies C# + Script C# Unity + Interface Unity)
  • La gestion du commerce (Librairies C# + Script C# Unity + Interface Unity)

Par ailleurs, pour pouvoir s’inscrire au concours sur la partie « Console Game » sur la XBOX One (25.000$) nous aurions a ajouter d’autres fonctionnalités prévues dans le code pour s’interfacer sur une manette et prévoir les cas de figures associées.